Evaluation form

Evaluation Form

Fields marked with an * are required

About the Owner

About the Dog

Has your dog been:
Is your dog currently on any medications?

Dates of Last Vaccination:

What are the primary reasons for contacting ExFed Dog Training?

Are there any other pets in your home?
Do they get along?
When you leave your dog unattended, is he/she in a crate or left out in the house?
Has your dog received any training?
Is your dog friendly toward people (familiar people, strangers, adults, children, etc.)?
Has your dog ever bitten a person or another dog?
Is your dog friendly toward other dogs (familiar dogs, strange dogs, large dogs, small dogs, male dogs, female dogs, intact dogs, different breeds or colors, etc.)?
Does your dog protect or guard his/her food from people or other dogs? (growl, snap, or bite when people or other dogs interrupt your dog while eating or when they try to take away its food)
Does your dog protect or guard toys or other items from people or other dogs? (growl, snap or bite when people or other dogs try take away toys or other items from your dog?
Is your dog sensitive/uncomfortable with handling (touching ears, paws, other body areas)?
Does your dog ever act fearful?
