Training sessions are provided at Exfed Dog Training in Brewster, MA
We are not always your first trainer, but we will DEFINITELY be your last. We get results!
New Puppy, Now What? – $199 (8-16 week old puppies)
Start your relationship with your new puppy off right and in this session, we will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know to get your new puppy off to a great start! We will go over, handling exercises; walking nicely on a leash; housebreaking; play biting; nutrition; grooming; nail trimming; first aid basics; appropriate toys and much, much more. This comprehensive session will provide you with a ton of information and resources; however, we still suggest you pursue a socialization class modeled after AKC’s Star Puppy Program where puppies mingle with similarly aged puppies.
Remember, your main role at this stage is to socialize your new puppy to as many people and places as possible and to crate/potty train and set rules, limits and boundaries. This is a critical stage inasmuch as socialization must take place at this young age or you will be forced to deal with lack of socialization issues by desensitizing your dog to issues when they are older.
What we cover in “New Puppy, Now What?” puppy training package.

Handling Exercises

Establishing a grooming routine for your puppy

Puppy First Aid Basics

House training

Dog Parks

Toy Suggestions

Food and toy possessive

Pulling on the leash

Play biting

Mouthing or chewing the leash
Private One-on-One Sessions –
(For dogs 6 months of age and older)
Dogs under 6 months can and should be trained in basic obedience commands; however, most young puppies have ADHD and while they can learn commands, they may not be able to perform with consistency or for long durations with distractions. THIS IS WHY DON’T LIKE GROUP CLASSES. You and your dog are in your worst possible environment to learn. We do group sessions once your dog has mastered the basica and has clarity on what you are asking from them.
Attend a 1 1/2 hour – 2 hour evaluation/training session ($199) here at ExFed Dog Training in Brewster, MA where we work with your dog and show you and your dog all the possibilities of a well behaved dog. We will educate you on our training philosophy, commands, leash handling and give you an understanding of how dogs learn. This session is more about you, than it is for your dog, as you will be the one that will need to change and learn how to guide and reinforce your dog’s behaviors to achieve success. For some clients, this is all they need to get a jump start, yet others choose to enroll in private one-on-one sessions or a Board & Train Program. This evaluation session will help you choose what Program is right for you and your dog. We are NOT a hard sell and you choose your path to success.
The Private one-on-one sessions are for owners that have an aptitude, and a fair amount of time to come to weekly training sessions to work with their dogs and complete the required homework. You will be working with your dog and we will be coaching you along the journey. This training is for dogs that need to learn to walk nicely on a leash and perform basic obedience commands. We work on manners, impulse control and improve your relationship. If your dog lunges, barks, or pulls toward people out of fear or excitement, has no bite history, he/she is just leash reactive, and not truly aggressive. This training may NOT for dogs that are overly reactive or exhibit true aggression to dogs or people or have a bite history; however, that will be flushed out during the in-person evaluation session. If your dog requires rehabilitation or you just need us to give you a huge jump start, we can accomplish that through our Board and Train Programs.
Expert: (Six One-on-One sessions) – $1,199

Foundation (Introducing and shaping behaviors)
Skill Building (Having dogs respond to basic commands with guidance)
Reliability (Generally performs basic commands on cue with no distractions)
Basic Skills (Perform basic commands consistently with minimal distractions)
Advanced Skills (Perform basic and advanced commands consistently with higher distractions)
Proofing Basic and Advanced Skills with the 3 D’s (Distance, Duration, Distractions), along with real-life scenarios to replicate distractions.
Marksman: (Four One-on-one sessions) – $799

Foundation (Introducing and shaping behaviors)
Skill Building (Having dogs respond to basic commands with guidance)
Reliability (Generally performs basic commands on cue with no distractions)
Basic Skills (Perform basic commands consistently with minimal distractions)
Board & Train (most popular packages)
We will meet with you and your dog during a 1 1/2 – 2 hour evaluation/training session ($199) to see if your dog is a good fit for one of our Board and Train Programs. If selected, your dog will live with the trainer and his Pack and we will establish a Boot Camp Routine, where your dog will live in a very structured environment and receive frequent (5-6) training session throughout the day. We will transform your dog and with your continued follow-up until these new learned behaviors become a lifestyle (30-45 days). Having a well-behaved dog that listens is a joy and certainly a much appreciated time saver, but it takes an investment of your time and resources. Dogs must be fully potty trained and sleeping in a crate nightly. We also require a current Rabies Certificate and a recent negative fecal float test (does not require Vet visit) to ensure your dog has no intestinal parasites.

3 Weeks – $4,175 (Off-leash reliability if eCollar used)
• Do you have a very busy schedule and very little time to train your dog?
• Are you vacationing on the Cape or going out of town and want to combine boarding and training?
• Do you want to take your dog to the beach and have full off-leash recall with voice commands?
• Does your dog have reactivity issues to dogs or people that you have not been able to stop?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then this is the program for you.
• Includes free membership in our “Outward Hound” Program where we meet at dog friendly locations on the Cape to fine-tune your skills and to meet other members of the ExFed Dog Training extended family.
• Includes three (3) follow-up lessons (1st at pick-up) and lifetime guarantee.
Vice President

14 Days – $2,785 (Leash Manners)
• Does your dog have bad habits and you just need a jumpstart in changing your dog’s behavior?
• Are you willing to commit to required follow-up lessons (included) so that you are involved in your dog’s lifestyle transformation?
• Includes free membership in our “Outward Hound” Program where we meet at dog friendly locations on the Cape to fine-tune your skills and to meet other members of the ExFed Dog Training extended family.
• Includes two (2) follow-up lessons (1st lesson at pick-up) and lifetime guarantee.
Our board and train packages include
• Free membership in our “Outward Hound” Program where we meet at dog friendly locations on the Cape to fine-tune your skills and to meet other members of the ExFed Dog Training extended family.
• Follow-up lesson(s) based on package selected and lifetime guarantee.
The longer the period of time in training will allow us to build more reliability and will allow us to proof commands with the 3 D’s, by increasing the distance, duration and distractions to the commands that have been taught to your dog.
We will need to evaluate your dog’s suitability in an evaluation/training session ($150) and advance reservations are required. Due to the popularity of these programs and the fact that we limit the number of dogs, so that we may focus 100% on your dog, there may be a waiting list, so don’t delay to ensure your desired training time period. All dogs must be potty trained and crate trained prior to being accepted in one of these Board and Train programs.
Commands / Cues:
• Come
• Sit
• Let’s Go (Loose leash walk)
• Heel (Formal walk)
• Place (Crate without walls)
• Off (Stop jumping)
• Out (Stop what you are doing and look to me for more direction)
• Leave-it (Relaying your intention to leave something alone)
• Kennel or Crate
• Down
• Free (Release command)
Raving fans!

“Rick was key in training our new puppy “Maggie”. He took her for two weeks and when we got her back she was able to follow commands and was eager to please. We recommend Rick to anyone interested in training their dog as well as boarding them. Maggie gets so excited to go back to ExFed Dog Training.”.
Andy and Jane Murphy
Brewster, MA